National QuadCopter (UAV) Workshop Cum Championship association with iFest IIT-Roorkee

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greeting of RoBoFeast-2015 IIT-Roorkee !!! 

We "Team of RoboFeast-2015" on behalf of iFest Indian Institute of Technology(Roorkee)  & Revert Technology as the host of this National QuadCopter Championship would like to entreat you to be a part of India's Biggest Robotics challenge i.e. RoboFeast . Click here to know about our official Zonal Center.

RoboFeast-2015 is National QuadCopter Championship and a workshop series jointly being organized by Association with iFest IIT (Roorkee) & Revert Technology Pvt. Ltd.  All the preliminary rounds will be held at only selected Engineering & Polytechnic institutes across INDIA in present academic year and the grand finale will be at IIT-Roorkee under the banner of National QuadCopter Championship.  

Highlights of 2-Days QuadCopter Workshop

·         Hands-on experience of flying quadcopter Kit using Radio Control
·         Introduction to Multi Rotor Vehicles & QuadCopter dynamics
·         Introduction to design & concepts of Embedded Systems behind the QuadCopter
·         Understanding the Electronics circuit ,Fabrication, Calibration & Testing of Quadcopter
·         Learning about the working of accelerometer sensors, gyros and controllers -P & PI
·         Participation Certificate from RoboFeast’15 with association iFest IIT-Roorkee

   RoboFeast’15 Event Details

·         Stage 1st  ( 2days QuadCopter Workshop  will be be held at zonal centers)
·          Stage 2nd  (Prelims round of RoboFeast will be just after the completion of workshop )
·         Stage 3rd  (Final round of all zonal center winners  to be held  at IIT-Roorkee campus)   

Requirement for official Zonal Center 

·         Seminar hall /Computer lab & open ground to conduct hands-on-session for all participants.
·         Projector/screen along with to cordless mikes for teaching & presentation.
·         This zonal center can only be arranged for a minimum of 60 students
·         2-days Quad Copter Workshop Fee will be 1250/-per participants.

How to enlist for official Zonal Center 

Make the confirmation letter on college letter head & send a scan copy of letter by mail. First-come-first-served policy will be followed for selected Zonal Centers.    

The documents attached are as follows

·         Proposal from RoboFeast-2015
·         Format of Confirmation letter/Approval Letter
·         Publicity Poster.

Please be free to contact us for any kind of discussions related to this. 

Thanks & Regards          
Marketing Team
Mobile: +91-8459086120 l 011-65544709                                                                                                           

4 attachments — Scan and download all attachments View all images
348K View Scan and download
Confirmation Letter for Zonal Center.doc
143K View as HTML Scan and download
QaudCopter_RegistrationForm (1).pdf
286K View as HTML Scan and download
QuadCopter Workshop Proposal .pdf
1553K View as HTML Scan and download


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