Anna University Annexure 1 & 2 List
Asian Journal of scientific research - Annexure 2 Jokull Journal - A 1 Wulfenia Journal - A 1 international review on modeling and simulations(IREMOS) - A 2 AMR Journal - A 2 international journal of Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences - A 2 International Journal of Mobile Communications - A 2 Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences an International Journal - A 1 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT) - A 2 Wiley Online Library - A 1 Wireless Personal Communications An International Journal, Springer - A 1 IEICE Electronics Express - A 1 Elsevier Computers and Electrical Engineering - A 1 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology - A 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering - A 1 An International Interdisciplinary Journal - A 1 International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS) - A 2 Springer Peer to Peer Networking Applications - A 1 Computers and Electrical Engineering (Thomson Reute